Monday, February 18, 2008

it's a beautiful day

i had a brilliant day today. nothing extraordinary happened.. i worked a few hours, walked a bit, then came to this net cafe. but i've been in a great mood. i've been having strange dreams lately, maybe that's got something to do with it.

cocaine is a big problem in ireland at the moment (according to the media.. independent sources are sceptical as to whether the problem is really any larger than it ever was, or whether it's just saturated cover in the media giving the impression that the problem's escalating). there are loads of government ads on the radio that go something like this:

"so you're going out for a few drinks with your mates tonight. you have a few beers and you're feeling pretty good, then someone offers you a line and you think 'why not?'... think again"

and so on. so yesterday morning i awoke from a dream about which all details are now sketchy, except for the fact that someone gave me mountains of cocaine and i was ecstatic about it. i awoke in a great mood.

don't worry dad, it was just a dream.

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